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Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data

Please read the information below carefully to find out how your personal data is processed.

When you make a purchase at, you provide your personal data which is necessary to complete the order: name, surname, delivery address, e-mail address, telephone number.

By placing an order in the online shop you agree to the rules of the online shop. You can read them at any time, not only when you place your order.

We may pass on your personal data (name, address, telephone number) to postal and courier services if this is necessary for the proper execution of your order.

We may also transmit your personal data to public authorities if we are instructed to do so by the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

Personal data is stored for 3 years after the last order. If a written request is made to delete the data, it may be deleted without waiting for this period. You will be required to re-enter your personal information when making future orders.

You always have the right to:

Know (be informed) about the processing of your personal data.

To make a written request and have access to your personal data and its processing, to be informed from which sources and what personal data has been collected, for what purpose it is processed, to which recipients it is provided and has been provided in the last one year.

Request rectification, erasure of your personal data or restriction of processing.

To object to the processing of personal data. We regret that you may not be able to purchase goods and/or services in this case.

Withdraw any consent to the processing of your personal data (exercise the right to be forgotten) if there is no longer any legal basis for processing it.

You can obtain all the information referred to in this paragraph by submitting a signed request to

Compliance with requests:

Upon receipt of your request, we will respond within 20 (twenty) working days at the latest. If we are unable to provide the information requested, you will receive a reply explaining why we are unable to comply with your request.

Replies to requests will be in writing.
This information has been prepared in accordance with the data protection laws of the Republic of Lithuania and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Security and cookies

We are committed to ensuring that the information you provide to us is secure. If the website requests any information that will identify the user, we assure you that we will only use that information in accordance with this privacy policy.
When visiting, the user is informed that the website uses cookies. They are used to ensure the availability of functions, to improve them or to provide users with a better browsing experience. You can read more about what cookies are used on the website and what information they collect below may change/update its privacy policy at any time, so users should regularly review it to ensure that the provisions set out are in line with their expectations.

Learn more about cookies ensures that the information provided by the user is secure.
Please note that our website may contain links to other websites. When a user clicks on a link and is redirected to another website, our privacy policy is no longer valid. Please be careful to read the privacy policies of other websites.

Slapukas yra nedidelis failas, kuris padeda tobulinti svetainėje teikiamas paslaugas, kad jos dar labiau atitiktų vartotojo poreikius. Vartotojas pats renkasi, priimti ar nepriimti slapukus. O jei interneto naršyklė slapukus priima automatiškai, svetainės lankytojas gali pakeisti programos parametrus į sau priimtinus.

Slapukų pagalba gali būti renkama ši informacija apie svetainės lankytoją:

kontaktinė informacija, įskaitant el. paštą.
demografinė informacija apie asmenį, pvz. pašto kodas.
Informacija renkama, kad geriau suprastume vartotojo lūkesčius ir galėtumėm tobulinti teikiamas paslaugas.

We may use information provided by users to improve the services provided by the website.
We may use the information provided by the user for internal purposes (statistical analysis).